Babbling Loon

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Empties Part 3!

Well, hello everyone!  The satisfaction I get from finishing a product is a little silly.  It's a moment of pride; almost equivalent to finishing a Chipotle burrito in one sitting.  (Don't judge, that's a big deal for me.)  This week my little bag of empty products has been overflowing.  As soon as I ran out of my body butter, I knew it was time to photograph these babies so I can finally move on.  Unlike my last empties post, I did not run out of all of these at once.  They were all several weeks apart which I, along with my wallet, were extremely thankful for.  Since I have a lot of products to get through, I will keep their reviews brief.  As Mario would say: "Let's A-Go!"

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Review: Sugarpill Eyeshadows

It all started by not being able to sleep.  I started to peruse the internet for new beauty brands to try, when I stumbled upon Sugarpill's website.  I have seen various YouTubers and Instagram gurus use these shadows in such versatile ways.  They seemed like a fun product, so I decided to give a few shades a whirl.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Purple with a Pop Tutorial

Well, hello there!  The past few days where I live have been so dreary.  It's cold, raining, gray, and all I want to do is stay at home. Unfortunately, life doesn't stop moving just because the weather is the antithesis of productivity.  

I have been gravitating towards matte eyeshadows recently, probably due to the dull weather.  However, I can never completely stay away from glitter and shimmery shadows.  Unlike most of my tutorials, this look wasn't planned.  I knew I wanted to pair mauve and rose gold, so I improvised until I got a look I liked.  If you want to know how to get this look, read on after the jump!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A Mask for Every Occassion

Well, hello there!  Since the Halloween season is officially over (brb, crying), I decided to give my skin a break.  Several of the Freaky Friday looks involved what seemed like more than a full face of makeup.  Although I properly cleansed every time I wore makeup, I still found my skin needed something extra.  These are the masks I tend to go for if my skin needs a little boost.